Job Fair Rivals Quality of a HS Guidance Counselor's Advice

Above, a thoughtful totem of career and life options is displayed at the "Your Life Could Get Crappy From Here Job Fair" in Lee, MN for high school and college graduates. "We're really taking detailed, tangible steps to guide students into concrete choices by showing them top options and specific outlines, giving them ideas based on their marketable job skills and by giving them free snacks at our 2005 job fair," said organizer, Joyce Random. Tables offered sign-ups and interviews for big achievers by advertising slogans like, "Move Back in With Parents," "How to Use Welfare to Buy Concert Tickets," and "Is Identity Theft Really All that Bad?". More than 2,000 young adults turned out to drink Tang and eat hard cookies while they met older versions of themselves for the day. Attendees claim that their favorite displays were "Turning Your Friend's Mamma's Bling Bling into Dee$$$" and "5 Steps to Make eBay MeBay".

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