
March 09, 2005

Culinary Arts School Opens for Junior Chefs

Many amateur kid chefs will now be able to fully express themselves at the first of its kind, "Ketchup Kids' Cooking School". The idea to open the school was thought up by a chef who visited his niece's elementary school cafeteria during lunch one day. Chef Leonard Lee of Ithaca, New York, who owns his own cooking school called, Can of Cooks College, said he was amazed at the creativity of the grade-schoolers, "They combined vegetable medleys with milk and mustard, then poured a consume of ketchup and pineapple juice over it. I just kept saying to myself over and over, "I wish I had thought of that!""

Some have been offering encouragement to the first 10 students to enroll, like Johnny Roy, a second grader at Keystone Elementary who is well known for his reinvention of the rectangular cafeteria pizza, which he calls "the pizza sandwich". This includes any and all of the sides offered that day, along with donations from home brought items like fruit roll-ups and goldfish. One kid remarked that Johnny has been known to have up to twenty ingredients in the sandwich.

Others have criticized the Ketchup Kids' Cooking School because they believe it does nothing more than condone playing with food. Chef Lee was outraged, "I have seen things as simple as soup reinvented by these children. Do you think any adult would have thought to use vanilla icecream and crinkle fries in their beef stew?" Critics also offered that the children only eat these horrendous concoctions because they are triple-dog-dared to do so.

Chef Lee is still trying to get approval from several states to open more schools which he has already coined names for like, "Do You Know What You Just Ate? College for Kids," and "Oranges and Spaghetti Cooking School".


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